Life Well Inspired

Foundations of the Christian Faith

The foundations of the Christian faith is another term for theology, really.  They are the basics that determine our faith and what makes it Christian as opposed to some other religion.  It is crucial that you know and understand the foundations of the Christian faith so that you may be a greater light in the world around you when the trend is to blur lines and live in grey areas.  Truthfully, you will be blessed as you seek the Lord on the these fundamental issues.

As the Lord leads, I will be posting from time to time on topics that would be considered foundational.  Topics like grace, sin, heaven, Jesus, and salvation, among others will be discussed here.  Lord-willing they will help you as you seek to know God more deeply.

Three Things About God’s Goodness That Will Shift Your Perspective.

Are you feeling far away from God?  Has life brought you to a dark valley? Trials and hard times in our lives can tempt us to question God’s goodness and even distance ourselves from Him. With so much emphasis on God’s love and prosperity in mainstream Christianity, it’s easy to become discouraged by the trials

Three Things About God’s Goodness That Will Shift Your Perspective. Read More »

Sometimes Life Happens While You’re Making Plans…

Life happens while you’re making plans. Sound familiar?  At the moment life here has felt like a fireworks show except all the fireworks are going everywhere besides up where they belong!  But I’m choosing to believe God has all this wrapped up in His trustworthy plan. Sometimes life is an exercise in faith that takes

Sometimes Life Happens While You’re Making Plans… Read More »