Life Well Inspired

War Room movie, A Call to Prayer

Did you get to see the movie War Room when it was in theaters?  I wanted to but didn’t get out to see it, so when my parents said someone gave it to them to watch I jumped at the chance to see it.  Wow, was that inspiring and after watching it I felt a strong call to a deeper personal prayer life.

That storyline and characters have been on my mind since I watched it and I can’t help but mull over the lessons to be taken away from it.  For one, the older lady’s boldness to reach out to a younger woman and truly begin to live out Paul’s command, and her godly example of making God her everything and reason for enduring life.  Second, the incredible power we have available to us through prayer for the inner workings of our lives and how God will work for us for his glory.  Third, how we don’t have to carry the burden of working everything out on our own and carry our heavy burdens.

I’m sorry to say that just like the younger woman, I failed to act on my inspiration right away but have been caught up in the legistics of how.  My fallen human mind is stuck on the fact that I don’t have a closet to empty and pray in or a place to hang up my prayer and that I cannot find any time alone to pray, with kids or a hubby around me 24/7.

I have been praying more through out my day and being sensitive to those God brings to mind, but I have a strong feeling that its not enough and that blessings will abound when I truly begin to communicate with my heavenly Father in a deeper, more personal way.  God has for sure given me a desire to know him more deeply and for that first step I am grateful.  He is pursuing me yet again and I know I cannot escape his call.

I have been amazed at how many other bloggers and writers are covering this very topic.  I am amazed and blessed at the practical tips and instruction that God has laid out for me.  Like I said, I cannot escape his call!  Hubby was gone for training when I watched it, but came back with this amazing picture from above the clouds and it seems to beckon me to a conversation with my Heavenly Father.

Have you seen War Room?  Do you have any tips for developing a prayer life?  I’d love to hear what works for you or what has inspired you!

I'd love to know your thoughts!

1 thought on “War Room- A Call to Prayer”

  1. I haven’t seen it yet! But keep hearing how good it is. I am feeling God tug on me as well, drawing me deeper into him. Also feeling the desire to be mentored and then be passing it on. Lots to think about.

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