Life Well Inspired

vegetable garden

Take your garden beyond organic this year for abundant produce!

Ppppsssss.  POP!

“Yep…. it’s good!”

Some of my earliest memories are of listening for those sounds when my mom would open a can of fruit or vegetable when preparing a meal.  That sound meant the seal was good and the food inside was safe to eat.  I may be biased, but there’s nothing better than home-canned fruit or vegetables!  There is no comparison between home-grown food and what we buy at the store- in flavor or nutrition.

Take your garden beyond organic this year for abundant produce! Read More »

How to Fertilize the Vegetable Garden Without Chemicals

If you are looking to fertilize your garden without chemicals like Miracle-Gro it will require an understanding of plant nutrients and organic fertilizers. Vegetable gardening can be supremely rewarding and incredibly frustrating. If the plants have good quality soil and the nutrition they need, they thrive.  We, in turn, are blessed with a lot of veggies and very little pests and disease problems. That’s the supremely rewarding part. If our garden soil is less than good quality and the plants don’t have the nutrition they need, things take on a very different story! 

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Digging Deeper: Companion Planting in Action

Gardening has many aspects to it. It is functional because it provides food and nourishment for our bodies. It is therapeutic to our minds and spirits as we spend time in nature working the ground in the silence and sunshine. It nourishes our microbiome as we interact with the soil and boosts our oxygen and vitamin D levels as we soak up the sun.  But maybe best of all gardening can be a way to express ourselves artistically. 

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Companion Planting in the Garden

Companion planting just might be the best-kept secret in the gardening world. Most people hear the word garden and think of neat rows of vegetables lined up next to each other with recently worked-up soil in between each row.  Usually, there’s room enough to get a rototiller between the rows to help minimize the weeding time.  While that works great for some people and was the traditional style of gardening for farmers in times past, there is another way.

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Specifics of Gardening by the Moon

As May begins, our gardening plans are closer to being put into action. Let’s dive deeper into understanding the cycles of the moon so that we can compile our to-do lists in the way that will serve us the best. At first glance, gardening by the moon may seem a bit crazy. While I can’t get on board with using the astrology side of gardening that can be grouped with gardening by the moon, I can totally get on board with understanding the moon cycles. The whole basis of gardening by the moon is solidly rooted in the forces of nature that control the tides in the ocean. High tides occur during the new and the full moon because the oceans are facing the moon during that time. Lunar gravity is what controls the tides.

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