Life Well Inspired

God’s goodness

The Best Thing You Can Do When You’re Not Feeling Grateful

Are you struggling with not feeling grateful this Thanksgiving?  You’re not alone.  This year has been absolutely miserable for so many people. Lost jobs, virtual schooling kids while working your 9-5, and still the struggle to get dinner on the table. But worse because store shelves were empty and we were scared to go shopping!  

As Thanksgiving approaches, my Facebook feed is filling up with grateful posts. You’ve seen them- every day for the month of November people post something they are thankful for.  It’s a great idea but sometimes it’s hard.  Seeing what other people are thankful for can

The Best Thing You Can Do When You’re Not Feeling Grateful Read More »

Has God’s Goodness Created Consecration in Your Life?

Two concepts and topics recently collided for me. God blessed me by connecting the dots between consecration and His goodness.  As I usually say: perspective changes everything.  One song that we sang in worship time on Sunday morning at church was unfamiliar. It was I Shall Not Want by Audrey Assad.  In it she sings

Has God’s Goodness Created Consecration in Your Life? Read More »

Growth Through our Trials

How do you know if you have experienced growth through your trials?  It’s no secret that the Christian life will be full of trouble.  Jesus himself says that in this life we will have trouble.  Jesus also had to endure the trial of the crucifixion.  Paul was denied the removal of a thorn so that Christ’s strength could be made perfect in his weakness.  So we will surely have trials and troubles in this life.  But how do you know if they have produced growth?

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