Life Well Inspired

Advent Series

Is the Good News of Great Joy Still Meaningful Today?

The couch cushions gave way as I sunk into them. It was 5:45 AM and I was trying to wake up. The memory of the day before was still heavy on my mind. Teenage angst had blown up with rage and defiance and that sure destroys a mama’s heart.  I used to sing “The Joy of the Lord is My Strength” under my breath 2 hours into bedtime with this same child when he was younger.  After my patience had been exhausted, it was the only thing keeping me sane for those last few minutes. 
Yes, the joy of the Lord is my strength. To make matters worse, this is the season of Joy. How on earth am I supposed to be joyful…

Is the Good News of Great Joy Still Meaningful Today? Read More »

How to Find the Hope of Christmas Despite a Difficult Year

The season of Advent is here bringing with it the hope of Christmas. The familiar wreath with purple and pink candles has appeared in our churches calling us to a meaningful season with the flickering light of the flame. The first week’s advent theme appropriately puts the focus on hope. Hope in the biblical sense means looking ahead and forward to something God is doing. In the Old Testament the Jewish people looked forward to the birth of Christ, His first coming,  and for us New Testament believers it means looking forward to Christ’s returning, His second coming. John Wiley put it so eloquently:

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How to Be Obedient to God’s Call Like Mary Was

Mary was carrying The Way, The Truth and The Life! As I kept thinking about it, I started to wonder how much insight God allowed her to have.  God equips those he calls and we are all equipped through our families and experiences in life.  Sometimes we are asked to follow blindly and other times we have some clarity and insight.  The more I’ve thought about it and put myself in Mary’s shoes, I’ve come to think Mary was  not following blindly one step at a time in her calling.

How to Be Obedient to God’s Call Like Mary Was Read More »

Are you longing for a gift of Peace that will set you free?

As I walk through the crowded grocery stores each week I have noticed there’s no one to smile at. People seem to be almost afraid to look others in the eye as if they might somehow pass on this virus. Panic, fear, and a lack of friendliness have been running rampant lately. More people are in need of the gift of peace than any other year before. Are you longing for a gift of Peace that will set you free this Christmas? 

Are you longing for a gift of Peace that will set you free? Read More »