Life Well Inspired


Last week I tackled the big one.  A huge DIY home project that has been on my mind since we moved in 10 years ago.  I decided it was finally time to remove the horrible “textured” ceiling that someone put in both the living room and the kitchen.  I put textured in quotes, because it was someone’s attempt, at best.  It was unevenly applied and super spiky.  Thankfully the living room was the worst and the largest area, so by the time I got to the kitchen, it went fairly quickly.  It took 23 hours to remove it from the living room but only about 10 hours for the kitchen.  I was hoping to have before and after pictures by now, but I am not finished.  Hubby still has some repair work to do unrelated to the texture before I can prime and paint and take pictures, but this is what the texture looked like…


I’m sure you are wondering why in the world I am tackling such a project in December.  Well, the plan has been to finish creating and install the kitchen floor over Hubby’s vacation during christmas and I was not about to do the ceiling after the floor was done.  I am messy by nature so you can imagine what happens when the project itself is messy to begin with!  We shall see about when the floor actually gets installed, but at least everything will be done and ready to start the floor!

Due to the scope of the job and the timeline I set for myself, I missed my quiet time every day last week.  I was so tired from working so hard that I just couldn’t pry myself out of bed!  But God is amazing and met me through the radio each day.  I kept Family Life on and enjoyed the intermittent Christmas music but was beyond blessed by Chip Ingram, James MacDonald and even Focus on the Family.  Some things tied into what I had been learning in my quiet time studies, but I was especially challenged by James MacDonald’s series in Forgiveness.  I truly believe that perspective is everything and God sure did provide perspective for me this past week!

But one thing that totally blessed me was a program called InsideOut with Martha Manikas Foster.  It spoke to the wilderness periods in our lives and I want to share it with you.  Since I am still up on the ladder working hard, I pray that this will bless you today.  The speaker is Marlina Graves and this interview is because of her book  A Beautiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness.

So here is the link- its a quick 18 minutes  🙂  Have a blessed day!

Wilderness Journey During the Holidays

I'd love to know your thoughts!

2 thoughts on “I Tackled The Big One…”

  1. I am sooooo impressed!!! And you found time to help me with Isabella. I bet it feels soooo good to have this accomplished. Way to go friend!!!!

    1. 🙂 It was a project that I knew needed to be done since we moved in 10 years ago so it feels awesome to have finally eliminated the eyesore! With a few years of wall repair (practice) behind me and both boys in school, I didn’t have any more excuses… haha! I will always have time for Isabella… she’s such a sweet thing!

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