What do we do after we pray and give God our requests? We wait. We wait for a yes, no or a maybe, right? I don’t know about you, but while I’m waiting I keep petitioning God. My prayer of request goes on repeat and that usually increases the anxiety and tension because it keeps my mind focused on all the wrong and negative.
I think I may have found another way. In 2 Peter, we are told we have been given everything we need for life and godliness through knowledge of Him because of his divine power.
What follows is this: this is the very reason and should be our motivation to pursue the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
Now, we know we are to pray with out ceasing. We are commanded to be thankful in all things and rejoice. Ann Voskamp has found that thanksgiving precedes the miracle.
So what if while we were waiting we kept our minds occupied with gaining more knowledge of Him and made every effort to add the fruits of the spirit to our faith like 2 Peter 1: 5-7 instructs us to do.
What if while we were waiting we thanked God for the answers that were on the way?
What makes me smile is God showed this to me because I took time to spend time with Him. And He showed me this during a time when I have had a request on repeat. I have been struggling with something and walking the fine line of accepting truth yet not passing judgement. Struggling to keep a holy mindset while asking God for mercy and change. And His answer is clear. Stop asking and start believing change in on the way. Most likely there are other sequences of events that are happening that will contribute to my prayers being answered and although I don’t know and can’t see the evidence, God is working.
So that needs to be my prayer. Thank you God for working on the answer to my prayer. Thank you for loving me enough to set answers in motion before I even knew I needed to ask. Thank you that you have this all under control. Thank you for loving me that much.