Life Well Inspired

Reset Yourself and Your Hormones!

Are you ready to make a positive change in your health?   


This hormone reset detox is a step in the right direction, whether you are just beginning your journey or continuing one you are already on! 


Balancing your endocrine system starting at the top is the best approach to easing PMS, period discomfort, and excess estrogen symptoms. Alisa Vitti has created an effective 4-day program that packs a powerful punch in balancing hormones by supporting the whole endocrine system top to bottom. It has significantly impacted my efforts to balance my hormones, taking me from being housebound during my period due to its heaviness to doing life as usual during my cycle. I felt a noticeable difference after the first time I did the program and experienced an improved cycle the very next month. It was a God-sent answer to prayer for me.

If you are struggling through heavy, painful periods, dealing with PMS, or stubborn weight, this has the potential to bring sweet relief. God has provided incredible foods and herbs that heal and restore balance. We don’t need to suffer or rely on manufactured synthetic substances to survive life. Follow her program and enjoy the spiritual component and daily encouragement as you go through it by signing up for my daily emails for each of the seven days. Learn how to give your endocrine system and liver some TLC, and discover a new purpose for yourself as a daughter of the King!

Use this page as your checklist to get ready, and then click the start emails button at the bottom the day before you plan to start, so you get the encouraging emails and devotionals on the right days. 

Step 1: 

Decide your start date. 

The best time to do this reset is during the follicular phase of your cycle, which is between your period and ovulation. I usually start it within a day or two after my period ends. If, for some reason, you can’t get everything you need before your next period ends, plan on completing the reset after the following one.


Step 2: 

Sign up to grab a copy of The 4-day Hormone Detox from FloLiving.  

This is the program and all the info you need. Discover the how and why, access shopping lists, recipes, the daily menu, and tasks in the program. Please check through all the recipes Alisa gives you because I found other ingredients that weren’t on the shopping list. Without this, there’s no reset! Signing up for her blog gets you the program for free, but it also gives you incredible insight and information about all things cycle-related. I have learned so much from her already! 

After you sign up, head over and read The Best Detox for Women article there because it provides invaluable information about the program and gives you a good foundation for completing this. 

Step 3: 

Gather Your Supplies. 

You want to get all the food, supplements, and tools you need before starting for the best results. Alisa gives you shopping lists and suggested tools in the program, plus recipes for all the meals. Consider your start date as you being to plan and purchase what you need to. Make sure you order what you need early enough, so you have time for things to ship and arrive before you start.

I have created a list of links to some of the harder-to-find items and specific brands I’m using. If nothing else, it will show you what the packaging or product looks like. Visit the resources page if you need help sourcing something or just want an easy way to shop!

Step 4: 

Make sure you have a notebook or journal.

The program you downloaded in step 2 only focuses on the physical, environmental, and emotional. You are signing up with me for the spiritual aspect of the reset and daily encouragement. My daily emails provide the opportunity to begin the day with prayer and a short devotion. A journal will come in handy as you process the action steps and journal prompts each day. Lord-willing, this will be a time of fellowship with the Lord, learning, growth, and healing for you. You are going to want to grab a notebook or a journal.

Step 5: 

Join the Facebook group. 

I have created a Facebook group for women working toward balancing their hormones and have used or are using this program. You will find encouragement from me and interaction with women who understand what you’re going through. Achieving hormone balance naturally is more of a journey than a quick fix, so it helps to have some cheerleaders in your corner!  

To be clear, I am not a health practitioner, and I am not guaranteeing any specific results. I am simply providing daily devotionals and prayer, encouragement, and support as you work through the protocol. Results will vary depending on your own body and where you are in your healing journey. I have personally overcome estrogen dominance and anxiety as a result of focusing on nourishing my endocrine system. This program has been a significant component of my success, but I cannot guarantee or promise that you will have the same results.

You can also contact FloLiving with any questions you may have about the program itself. They have been super helpful and quick to respond to my questions. 

Step 6: 

Sign up for the reset. 

When you have chosen a date, downloaded the four-day reset, shopped and gathered your supplies, and are ready to start, sign up for my daily devotions and encouragement emails. The emails will begin the day after you fill out the form, so make sure you sign up the day before starting.