As I reflect on the past week, I am reminded that Easter really is the hinge pin to my faith. He needed to be born but without his death and Resurrection, His birth would be meaningless. And Jesus commands us to remember his death.
When I think of all Easter means and represents I stand in awe. God’s glory and grace is shown through His life, death on the cross and victory over death. It is humbling to realize that Easter represents:
The purpose of Jesus’ ministry realized- he came here to die for our sins.
The beginning of true Christianity- when Christ had victory over death.
The hope of heaven- our debt of sin is forgiven.
Freedom from sin- we are no longer bound by the sin that created the debt in the first place.
Lives changed- those who believe are new creatures in Christ, the old has gone.
It occurred to me this morning that although most of the events of Holy Week were quite public, Jesus’ ministry in the short time he had left on earth after the Resurrection was private. He spent it in relationship with and ministering to those who truly believed in Him before his death and Resurrection.
There were no large crowds to teach, healings or other miracles done publicly. He quietly went about his relationship with those who truly loved him. He had prepared them to take on and carry out his ministry. They were ready to spread the good news of the gospel that they had just witnessed throughout the 3 years they spent with Him. Final preparations were underway for His return back to heaven. I can only imagine what they were feeling. Nothing like what they had experienced had ever happened before. They must have known they were in uncharted territory- not knowing what to expect. Yet they had their relationship with the Lord to guide them. I bet it was from this place and his experiences that Paul writes:
Nothing done for Christ is done in our own strength, but strength given from the Lord. Sometimes it is given moment by moment and sometimes it is day by day. Sometimes we have to ask for it and sometimes it is just a gift.
But the strength given is because of our relationship. Because he died for us. Because He loves us. Because our sin is forgiven. Because we are free from sin. Because we are new creatures in Christ.
As I reflect and share my reflections on Easter, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that He loves me enough to die for me, that I am forgiven and free from sin and that He has made me a new creature in Him. I am grateful for my relationship with Him and His strength as I live my life.
I’m so thankful that he draws me to Him and for sweet communion with Him. Everything has grown strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.