Yesterday we had a visiting pastor deliver the message at our church. He is a pastor associated with Amazing Grace Ministries that support missionaries right here in America. The ministry reaches out to people at fairs, flea markets and any other place there are large crowds gathered. I always enjoy listening to him speak- he has just the right amount of truth, humor and seriousness. And he has such a tender heart for people.
His message stuck with me, one point in particular about prayer. That will be the topic of Thursday’s post, but for now I hope this song Pray, by Sanctuary Real, inspires your walk with the Lord on this lovely Monday morning.
I love that He knows my heart, my need and every single part of me. And I love that when I pray, my prayer doesn’t even have to be more than just speaking his name if that’s where I am.
If you find yourself in a desperate place today, and can only speak his name, take comfort in this: that the Spirit himself intercedes for you with groans that words cannot express.
How great is the Father’s love for us!