Life Well Inspired

Today I am so thankful for a God who loves me and cares.  Never have I felt so loved and held and cared for.

If you have read some of my other posts, you know that my oldest son deals with some sensory issues that really mess with his behavior and psyche.  We have tied some of it to food, activity and sleep but there is still a piece to the puzzle that is missing.  Well, yesterday he ran away from school.  Literally.  He got in trouble for picking on some other kids, got reprimanded and he took off.  He got to the other school building and he was headed home.

My heart is sad for this little guy and God knows how much time and energy everyone pours into him to develop those senses and teach him how to behave.  I went to bed and prayed.  I don’t know what else to do to help him and after an hour on the phone with his teacher we both are stuck.  He has the same teacher as last year, so we have history in this journey.  She has been wonderful and is so good with him- I have to say that without the schools support things would be looking very different!

Anyway.  All that to say, after I prayed, I did the devotional that goes along with the Raising a Pure Generation Bible Study.  This week, we are looking at Nehemiah and the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the light of building purity within our homes and families.  Fascinating, but last night God spoke to me a different way.  Verse 14 says it well:

“Remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons,
your daughters, your wives and your homes.”

In essence  PRAISE THE LORD AND FIGHT!  You know, without the struggles I have had in mothering  my oldest, there would not be a new person in Christ.  Plain and simple.    Going through the fire changes you and for that I can praise the Lord. And I will keep on fighting for my son- to help him through these sensory challenges and to train him up for the Lord.

What I God I serve!  Loves me enough to reach down and show me the way through some dark moments.  I can praise him for that, too.

I will leave you with a song that God brought this to mind and if you find yourself struggling today, I hope it encourages you as well.

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