Perspective and scheduling and their importance is becoming very evident to me. Without those two components, everything seems to just fall apart here. And both of those components require self discipline. Funny thing is that I fail miserably at all three things if left to myself! That is what I love about being in a relationship with God. He always calls me to stretch myself in ways that make me a better person. And I am thankful that he doesn’t leave me in my mess.
We discovered, since the parent/teacher conference with Tyler’s teachers, that he is chemically sensitive. This not only means to red dye and processed sugar, as I originally thought, but also included all the dyes, artificial flavorings and just about every preservative out there. There is also a natural part as well surrounding aspirin and natural salicyclates.
So on top of all the activities I am currently doing for the house, business and family, I now have to make room for more. But, here’s where the road forks. I could get depressed, grumpy and frustrated (and I probably still will from time to time) but I am choosing to be thankful for the awareness and the healthier bodies our whole family will enjoy because of this.
Easter Sunday, after having none of the listed offenders for 4 days, he OVERINDULGED on yellow and red dye, high fructose corn syrup and whatever preservatives were in the candy and deep orange punch. Monday and Tuesday were absolutely a nightmare as he was off the wall both energetically and mentally. It took all the way till Thursday for his body to get clear. But, the boy that I saw Thursday was one that would sit and look at a book while waiting for a doctor, willing to help his brother and cuddle with his mama. I don’t remember the last time I saw this side of him. He was obedient, happy to help and not into everything. In fact, I think he made the whole day without getting into trouble at all!!!
Therein lies the motivation to stick to my schedule. And, almost a reward, I have discovered that if I stick to my schedule, everything can get done including exercise and I will still have time to relax with my hubby every night without a to do list hanging over my head.
So, I am choosing to start this week thankful to God for giving me the wisdom to help my little guy and make my family happier and healthier. But most of all, I am thankful that He loves me enough to stretch me and make me a better person. Since I fail miserably on my own, it will be only in His strength that I can have the self discipline to maintain a positive perspective and stick to my schedule.
Let me encourage you to discover your reward to sticking on a schedule. Be sure to leave it in a comment for me. I would be blessed to hear from you!