Life Well Inspired

Sometimes Life Happens While You’re Making Plans…

Life happens while you’re making plans. Sound familiar?  At the moment life here has felt like a fireworks show except all the fireworks are going everywhere besides up where they belong!  But I’m choosing to believe God has all this wrapped up in His trustworthy plan. Sometimes life is an exercise in faith that takes intention!  

If there’s one thing I have learned in my journey with the Lord, it is to be listening and open to the nudges He gives.  I’m sure that is something that will take a lifetime of practice but the more I walk with Him, the easier it becomes to trust those nudges.  There’s my plan and then there’s God’s plan.  I’ll follow mine until I’m prompted to do otherwise and pray that I’m aware of the nudges!  I have been haunted by a verse in Ezekiel:

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”
Ezekiel 22:30

Ezekiel had a message from the Lord for the people of Israel.  Israel as a people were so far away from the Lord and consumed with the culture around them that there was no one who cared about the things of the Lord.  The Lord was looking for someone to bring the people back to Him but there was none to be found.  There was no one to stand in the gap.  Thankfully our country isn’t quite as depraved as Ezekiel’s day-  there are still strong believers who truly love and are walking with the Lord.  But it serves to warn us of the need to stay walking closely with the Lord ourselves so that we can be working together to rebuild and fight for our nation.  We need to rise up and stand in the gap, live lives that are a testimony to the world and reach the lost for Christ as the Lord leads us.

Over the past month and a half I ended up revamping my business website in prep for selling the flowers I grow for our local fairgrounds.   Selling the flowers turned into a bigger undertaking than I anticipated when I offered to try and sell them so that the fair didn’t have to pay for them, since they are not going to have the fair this year.  What I thought would be orders for pick up one day turned into 2 weeks sitting down by the road selling farm-stand style. 

During that time, though, I was able to get the garden in and prepped so it wasn’t wasted time.  The website revamp resulted in a way for me to help and support people new to gardening in the northeast due to this pandemic.  Maybe that redirection was divine intervention- I’m not sure I would have accomplished all that on my own that quickly otherwise!  (If you’d like to see the professional side of me, you can check it out here.) 

Speaking of pandemic, this week I felt a nudge to do the post in video format. So I did. It’s my first video ever so pardon the nerves!  Spoiler alert: I introduce the next series at the end!  I hope you’ll take a peak and see what God laid on my heart to encourage you during these unprecedented times we are living in. 

I’d love it if you’d leave your thoughts in the comments below!  😊


You can find more in the series on Consecration here:

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