Life Well Inspired

New traditions are fun, aren’t they? I am doing something that I hope is the beginning of a new tradition for Christmas time. When big bro and little bro were smaller, I would wrap up 25 books under the tree and they would take turns choosing and unwrapping one for me to read before bed along with a paper chain we would make. They are older now and baby bro is a little too young for the wrapped books and paper chain so I’m doing something different.

new tradition, Ann Voskamp, The Wonder of the Greatest Gift, Advent,

A few months ago, I came across The Jesse Tree and Ann Voskamp’s version of it. I did a little research and was really intrigued by the traditional roots of it especially in the reformed denominations. This was something new, despite that being my background.

So, the Jesse Tree traces the line of Christ basically from Creation though King David’s father, Jesse, to Christ. And it takes you through some pretty cool theological concepts and attributes of God. It touches on God’s love and sovereignty, how God uses everything, even the bad. It even touches on man’s depravity and inability to earn salvation.

This looks really neat and I’m so excited to go through it with the boys. I read through the devotional in prep and I was impressed with the concepts brought up.

Lately I have been very curious as to how the Old Testament fits in with the New Testament and understanding it all chronologically and culturally. So this is extra intriguing for me as well. There are definitely things I want the boys to know but I’m excited to follow this myself a dig deeper, too. I’m going to do the adult version, The Greatest Gift, right along with them.

This version of the Jesse Tree is kind of like an advent calendar in that you open a little door each day to take out and hang up an ornament on the white tree that pops up in the center. There is a short devotional to read and an ornament with a corresponding picture on it to remind you of the story you just read.

Have you ever used The Jesse Tree concept with your family? Ann Voskamp’s version is brand new this year but there are many other directions and versions out there! I’d love to hear your experience with it. Leave me a comment below!  I’ll post again after Christmas and tell you how our new tradition went.
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