Here I sit, listening to the Meredith Andrews song yet again.
Soaking up the truth in the lyrics.
So thankful He is constant and will never leave me.
Here I sit, weary of fighting the same battles with my son over and over again.
Weary of getting verbally barraged every time he doesn’t like something.
Tired from trying to teach him he doesn’t have to take offense at everything.
Here I sit, feeling condemned for my reactions.
And keenly aware of where he gets his reactiveness from…
Here I sit, remembering in Christ there is no condemnation.
There is only mercy and grace and forgiveness.
Here I sit, wanting so badly to overcome my own demons.
Feeling helpless of where to start and wondering if I will ever change.
Here I sit, remembering the verse of promise I posted yesterday from 1 Corinthians 3:18:
Here I sit, giving this mess over to the Lord.
Only he can fix it and redeem it for Him.
Here I sit, at the foot of the cross.
Repenting for my own wrong attitudes.
Here I sit, washed clean and with a softened heart.
It is only here that Christ’s power can change a heart.
Here I stand, ready to move forward.
Leaving the “old” me behind and beginning again.
This time not in my own strength, but His.