God is faithful even though sometimes life hands you more that you can carry with both hands! It sure has been a while since I last posted and for that I apologize. So much has been going on around here, both good and challenging. I have been granted more clarity and direction in my own life, the Big Bro saga continues and Little Bro is emerging and amazes me every day. Hubby is gearing up for the spring rush and I am scrambling to start gardening, stay on top of the cooking and the cleaning plus get a second blog off the ground. (Because naturally one isn’t enough!)
Some days I really wonder if I’m just nuts. There’s always something that needs to be done, a cuddle that’s required, food to make and serve or lately a blog post that needs to be written. I have discovered something along the way about myself and it is the need for quiet time alone and freedom to write and create. I can handle and juggle just about anything if I find time to recharge. Really though, can’t we all?
Taking time to recharge has been necessary as if late. Big Bro started ADHD meds 3 weeks ago. It became clear we needed a medical approach at this point in the game. Our holistic efforts are not enough, rather they seem to be helpful as coping mechanisms. I can honestly say I am ready to travel down the meds road. We are seeing positive results so far in some ways and not so great results in others. So we are in the middle of adjusting meds and waiting to get in with a psychiatrist.
Part of my recharging came in the form of creating and giving a presentation on gardening for my chiropractor’s office. That was the start of honed direction and the final clue for redefining and relaunching my business that has just been kinda dormant for the past few years. So I am excited to present B&L Botanica to you. It’s still in the works, but I will be adding to it and working on it as I have time. As soon as I can, I’m planning on putting a free promo video up and offering my hour and a half presentation on Going Beyond Organic Gardening for the price of an ebook. Its time to start using my passion and talents again. I think joy comes more easily when we are being a good stewart of the passions and talents God has given us and using them for his glory, no matter what stage of life we are in.
I believe I finally have a working schedule down for each day to keep up with the cooking and the housekeeping. Part of that involved the boys pitching in to help and do their part. Big Bro has gained the capability of handling chores with the introduction of meds. Amazing, really. And Little Bro is just so willing to be a blessing.
I hope you have been well these past few weeks. Lord willing, I am now returning to my normal blogging schedule and won’t be MIA again. God is faithful and never leaves us, rather carries us through those tough times. For that I am forever grateful.
What is it about God that are you grateful for?