Life Well Inspired

God and our trials.  Have you ever wondered where He is in the midst of the hard times you are walking through?  When you are in the thick of things, it is difficult to feel His presence.  But He teaches us so much about Himself through those hard times.


As November begins and Thanksgiving becomes the anticipated holiday, I’m finding myself reflecting on the past year and previous years.  God has truly been faithful, walking with me through some very dark times.  Sometimes I didn’t even feel His nearness and other times He was silent as I read and studied His word.  I had to lean on the times He was very real and present in my life and use the things He had taught me before when my quiet time was full and rich.  I had to use my faith, believing the promises in His word that I could not claim yet for myself.

The fact is, no matter what trials we are experiencing, God will never leave the side of His child.

That is a fact I am so, so grateful for this year. As my family and I seem to be leaving the severe trial we have all found ourselves walking through the past few years, that truth is so very loud in my mind.  Within that truth and through my trials, I have come to experience first hand God’s sovereignty, His providence and His love.  That experience actually not only produced intellectual knowledge but it produced a heart change as well.  Praise God that He doesn’t leave us stagnant and suffering with no hope!   

I don’t know where you find yourself right now, or have found yourself in the past, but this month I want to unpack that truth a bit over the next few weeks.  As we get started in this series, just know for now that God is walking with you no matter what you are going through if you are His child.  

You can read the rest of this Thanksgiving series of God and Our Trials here:

God and Our Trials
God’s Sovereignty and Our Trials
God’s Providence and Our Trials
God’s Love and Our Trials
We Can Be Thankful for Our Trials

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