I had a whole Happy New Year’s post ready to go and all of the sudden its March. Where the time goes, I have no idea- weeks and months pass me by without notice sometimes. Hopefully you have had a blessed beginning to your 2018. It seems that 2017 was really tough for many people. I felt it too and was happy to leave 2017 behind in pursuit of what the Lord is calling me to in 2018.
We discovered just before Christmas that we will be welcoming a new bundle of blessing in August, Lord-willing. We will find out if its a boy or girl at the end of the month so we are excitedly waiting that appointment! That was quite a way to end/begin a year. That has definitely contributed to my nonexistence here on the blog. Homeschooling has, as it should, become the most important task of my days and weeks.
There wasn’t really a word impressed upon my heart this year, although I am hoping to unpack and understand the word abundance. What that means and what it looks like in the midst of trials and struggles is something I am searching to understand. More importantly, I began the year with a bible reading plan beginning in Genesis. My intention is to read the Bible through every year and the do other readings and studies separately as time and interest allows. So yet again I find myself in Exodus and this time God has impressed upon me how there is to be no compromise to our faith.
Exodus shows us an example for no compromise.
In a time when tolerance and compromise is so highly valued in our culture, I couldn’t help but see the contrast in Exodus. When God was calling the Israelite people out of Egypt, he was dealing with the Pharoah. And Pharoah kept trying to get the people to compromise. Three times he offers a compromise and three times Moses maintains no compromise.
The first time Pharaoh agrees to let the people go with a compromise is after the fourth plague of flies. Pharaoh gives permission for the people to go and sacrifice within the land. (Exodus 8:24-27). But that’s not what God has commanded and so Moses says no.
The second time Pharaoh decided to let the people go, it is with the compromise of just the men being allowed to go (Exodus 10:7-11). Again we see Moses refuse to compromise God’s plan.
The third time Pharaoh agrees to let the Hebrew people go is after the 9th plague of darkness. But he still tries to remain in control of the situation and offers yet another compromise, telling Moses the people could go but the livestock and herds had to stay (Exodus 10:21-28). But Moses still wouldn’t compromise on God’s plan.
Trying to compromise Gods plan only brought destruction and heartache to Pharaoh’s life. The land of Egypt was destroyed and lives were lost. From reading this story and watching it unfold, I began to sense just how serious about His plan God is.
It has to be Gods way- fully and obediently.
Moses is an example of living out courage to maintain no compromise.
I felt challenged reading Moses’ response to God and how hard he fought to obey no matter the cost or how he felt. Just think of the situation- a common slave going in to challenge the king of the land. And not once but more than 10 times, including going back after Pharaoh told them they would die if they saw his face again!
That’s courage my friend. Courage to maintain no compromise when it comes to our faith in God.
Today, it’s not quite as blatant as this story. Often it’s much more subtle with our culture trying to make us accept ideas and concepts that clearly go against God’s plan. Sometimes it’s a personal battle with the devil whispering in our ear “it’s only (fill in the blank). Often, it is just a small step away from God’s truth. A compromise usually seems so insignificant in the beginning.
But we need to take courage from Moses, search scripture and know what God values and expects of His people. And when we know, may God empower us and give us the grace to live with no compromise!!